Moving Humanity Podcast

Stay tuned for an exciting, engaging, and informative podcast about refugees, migration, and diaspora and what it means to be human in a contemporary world. Mobility is a core component of human behavior, but what it means to be forced to leave your country? 

We are living in an increasingly globalized world, and our local communities are becoming more permeable to outside forces through constant interconnectivity and interdependence. As part of my ethnography, this podcast will explore human mobility in order to understand how people organize and live their lives amidst volatility, uncertainty, and ambiguity. Topics will include migration, refugees, diaspora, war, and transnationalism, etc. 

This podcast will take an anthropological approach to understanding the perceptions, aspirations, relations, and behavior of displaced people and the host country. It will also explore how the concept of mobility relates to culture and identity, people and place. It will further explore and reflect on issues of mobility through the anthropological themes of migration, force displacement, and statelessness. 

Monday, September 26, 2022
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